Today is the day!
Friends, my next album Original Medicine is here. I’ll be streaming live on Facebook, Youtube and Twitch at 8pm central to celebrate. Hit the streaming and purchase links below to experience Original Medicine
I hope you enjoy this journey!
Listen and Purchase
Original Medicine is available on Spotify, Apple Music, BandCamp and all other major music streaming services and digital retailers. If you want to support me on my mission to continue producing creative music, you can support me directly by purchasing the bonus track edition from my website.
The only way to hear the bonus tracks is buy purchasing the album on www.tcdrums.com or through Bandcamp.
To all my exclusive content subscribers, you can log in to the exclusive content portal to download the whole package now. Not a member yet? It’s never too late to check out the different plans and sign up
About the Album
More than just a COVID album, Original Medicine is a document of my development of a personal drumming language that bridges groove-based and textural approaches to rhythm. It is also a tribute to reconnecting with the world’s musical heritage and the Earth, which provide humanity’s original medicines.
Every week since April 2020 I’ve been performing live for roughly an hour on Facebook. I often have guests, but the majority of the time I’ve been unaccompanied. Tackling this challenge has forced me to dissect my playing and hone in on each tiny sound I want to create. Over the months, I’ve felt myself breaking free of the compulsion to follow convention while simultaneously finding greater ease in being able to communicate direct stories through the drums without thinking too much. Initially it was hard to make the music feel organic. I wanted to explore texture, but I didn’t want to totally abandon playing beats. At first I felt my improvisations would be stuck either trying to play impressive flourishes over a recognizable groove or lost in an impressionistic landscape of rolling around the kit. However, experimenting with different drum setups and tones over the months allowed me to find versatile textures that could blur the lines and the repetition helped me to loosen my concept of musical form without losing it completely.
The tracks on this album are all completely improvised. Except for the first and last tracks, they were all recorded at home—some taken directly from my livestreams and others recorded using rough concepts I stumbled upon while improvising live. Each one tells a story and / or represents an important percussive influence in my life.